It's Monday, and it's a glazing day. Here are the horses that will be glazed today (except,of course, the bisque Little One) A chestnut Little One, an amber champagne tobiano Little One, a dapple bay tobiano Daffyd, and a dapple grey Daffyd. The others need another color firing. Full speed ahead!
Here's how they look right now, finished and covered in glaze. During firing, the dye will burn out of the glaze and it will become a hard, clear, glossy surface with the final horse color underneath. The second Dafydd, the dapple grey, isn't ready for this final step tonight.
Warm kiln and success! Everyone looks great!
Moab the red donkey Jack. Didn't he turn out great? As red as those Utah rocks:-)
His shoulder stripes and dorsal were painted four times.
Little One in chestnut.This gal has the sweet face that Kelly captured so well. She heads off to the UK in a day or two, along with her other friends.